What Is Online Marketing? The Definitive Guide To Internet Visibility

For the purposes of this article, I am using a singular term – online marketing – to refer to the marketing activities of marketers who go online and try to build links to their sites. No matter what type of marketer you are, whether you are in a retail store or you run a consulting business or you own a web-based business or you work for a large company, you can apply the same rules and strategies to online marketing as you do to any other form of marketing.

What Is Online Visibility? Online visibility is simply the ability to be found on the web when your potential customers are looking for your product/service. This occurs through various channels; you may be found on a Google search result, you may be found on a Yahoo! search result or you may be found on a social networking site.

Can You Afford To Be Found? Simply put, if your business depends on being found on Google and Yahoo! then you need to build your links NOW. There is simply no time to waste; you have to be found before customers enter the competition range.

What Are The Best Way To Build Links? There are two main ways to build links. One is the traditional way, through linking to other sites, posts or content. The other way is to build your links through submitting articles to articles directories.

How Much Can You Afford To Pay? For the more traditional marketers the ability to be found on the web through search engine visibility has changed everything. With Google, Bing and other web search engines working together now it is possible to be found before your potential customers enter the competition range. No longer is it enough to sit on the web hoping for customers to come to you. You need to be found before the competition can see you are there. And that is only possible if your website is built with SEO.

How Important Is Visibility? Visibility is the name of the game. It’s the only way to build links and be found. Having your website ranked highly in search engine results is the best way to be found, and in turn built. I see too many businesses simply sit on the web hoping customers will come to them. It’s a wait and watch strategy. The best way to beat the competition is to be found before they can see you are there. If your website isn’t found you don’t stand a chance.

How Do You Get Visibility? Simply by building links and being found. The more visible you are the more your customers will know about you. There is simply no better way to get found than through linking.

How Do You Build Links? Through submitting content to article directories. If you can’t write then find a site that will and link to your own site. The link is your link. Search engine visibility is solely responsible for your visibility. By linking and being visible, you increase the chances that a search engine will find you. Linking and being found works. Links and being found are the keys to visibility.

What Other Keys Are Associated With Being Found? I mentioned earlier the same things are associated with being found that are associated with selling, which is related to price. The other things that are associated with being found are the following:

* Consistency – make your site the same each time. Keep things consistent, update things regularly, and add value consistently to the website. You want your customers to recognize your expertise and trust your recommendations. You want your customers to have a consistent experience at your business. This is related to your other key, Consistency.

* Loyalty – offer loyalty. Loyalty is related to customer retention, and is the most important key to customer retention, and it’s the easiest thing to do. Loyal customers are repeat customers. Make sure they remain loyal. Offer them other products or services they want or need. Loyal customers aren’t usually the most happy customers. Try to think of products or services your loyal customers would love, and ask them if they’d be interested. There is a study that shows that most people only use about 10% of the things offered to them. The things they continue to use about 90% of the time are things they would have purchased even without the offer of the offer. This makes sense. People are not always loyal to the offer.

* Trustworthiness – be trustworthy. Be trustworthy means be trustworthy. People need to believe you. Believe what you say and do. You have to become believable. Be trustworthy means do the right thing, and say the right thing. Treat people nicely. Treat them well. Be trustworthy means give the right recommendations. Seek help when you need it.

* Expertise – be an expert. It’s not enough to know things. You’ve got to teach them, and show them how to teach them. If you want to become an expert, you’ve got to seek out a mentor.

Think of the people who are going to trust you. Think of the trust areas on your website. Then find the things that concern those people, and do them. That is the trustbuilding process.

This is also related to having a purpose for building your business. What is the purpose for your business?

If you want to build a business because you want to make a lot of money, then you are not building a business because you want to build a business to make your children a lot of money. If you want to build a business that is based around a specific area of expertise, you might not want to cover it everywhere. You might also not want to cover it exclusively.

If you want to build a business to make your life easier, then you may not want to cover it everywhere. You might also not want to cover it exclusively.

When you do this, you are building a website that fulfills specific functions. You have a website for your niche. You do not have a website that does not fulfill that purpose. There are websites which cover these purposes. You are doing specific things on these websites. You are showing that you care about a specific thing.

For example, if you are a home business person, then your website should have a section that says it all – you know what you do and what you do, and what you love to do in your home. You want to show the rest of the world how you work and what you love to work on.


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