Becoming Your Best Self – Life Is More Challenging When Your Heart is in the Game

Are you aware that you have a capacity for personal growth?

I was listening to a talk with a person who is going through major change at this time in their life. They are feeling challenged and uneasy with the shift they’re going though, but they’re not sure how to solve it.

One of the things the person said was, “I know I can do more than I’m doing, but I don’t know how to get there.” What was interesting was, the one person was saying that while being challenged and uneasy, the other person was saying that they knew they could do more than they’re doing. What was more interesting was that neither one of them had been doing too much about the personal growth aspect of the shift in consciousness.

One person had been busy, feeling challenged and uneasy and the other person had been busy feeling challenged and uneasy. They both had been using their energy to keep themselves from feeling uncomfortable in their lives. They both had been putting their energy into their “shell” to cover up from feeling uncomfortable, from going forward without feeling challenged and uneasy. They both had been protecting themselves from feeling uncomfortable.

What they weren’t realizing was that what kept them from allowing themselves to feel uncomfortable was their own inner resistance. They were simply off course in their lives. They weren’t living with their hearts.

What would happen if they allowed themselves to feel uncomfortable on their way forward? They would find out. They would experience what it feels like to feel challenged and uneasy. They would experience what it feels like to feel uncomfortable on their way forward to life. It makes life a lot more fun and interesting if they allow themselves to feel challenged and uneasy while they are going forward to life. If their hearts are in the game, they can experience what it feels like to feel challenged and uneasy on their journey forward to life. Life is richer and more interesting and if their hearts are in the game, they can experience it! They can experience the challenge and uneasiness that it brings to them instead of trying to block it out and ride it out.

They will find out what it feels like to have the heart and the body go into resistance to their conscious intentions.

They will experience more of their humanity.

They will experience more of their heart’s desires!

They will experience what it takes to keep the peace in their minds and the pain in their body.

They will experience what it takes to keep the peace in their hearts and the war in their bodies.

They will experience what it takes to keep the peace in their minds and the war in their bodies.

If their heart is in the game, they will see what it takes to be comfortable with being human.

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